Natural Oils: This Is How They Work

Essential oils are an integral part of alternative medicine in aromatherapy. They alleviate physical complaints. They also have a beneficial effect on the soul. Their possible uses are diverse, easy to implement and low-risk. The plant extracts are therefore also suitable for self-treatment

Health: What are essential oils?

etherisches Öl in Bio Qualität

The natural substance of plants produces essential oils. They contain organic substances like alcohols, terpenes, esters, or ketones. They have an oily consistency and fade without leaving any residue. What all essential oils have in common is the powerful scent they give off when they evaporate.

In medicine, etherisches Öl in Bio Qualität is used as supportive therapy for mental and physical complaints. For this purpose, you can obtain essential oils from plants by steam distillation, sometimes also by cold pressing.

The treatment of various sensitivities and illnesses with essential oils is called aromatherapy. The effect of essential oils on humans is undisputed by natural scientists and naturopaths alike. Aromatherapy practitioners use them specifically to treat physical and mental problems. The oils can develop their effects through their scent as well as through direct external and internal use.

How do essential oils work for health?

Essential oils are effective against a wide variety of ailments. Plants produce essential oils to attract insects or repel pests and thus protect the plant from disease. These effects are useful for humans as well. The oils enter the body directly through the skin or the gastrointestinal tract.

Essential oils: Fragrance effect

Above all, however, its scent has a healing effect. The fragrance molecules penetrate the olfactory mucous membrane, which is part of the central nervous system, through the nose.

The sense of smell itself resides in the oldest part of the brain, the limbic system. Scent stimuli can cause the release of messenger substances that have a pain-relieving effect or create a feeling of well-being. Endorphins are also released. These have a very pain-relieving effect and lift the mood.

General health: Application of essential oils

There are ready-made mixtures for aromatherapy for certain ailments or for general health. Alternatively, you can consult a trained aromatherapy practitioner.

If you only want to achieve a pleasant room fragrance with the help of essential oils, you should simply let your nose guide you. Try out different essential oils or fragrance mixtures and observe in which mood a certain fragrance is particularly good for you.