Does HGH make you taller? This is a question that many people who wants to be taller wants to find out. As a matter of fact, there are a number of factors that do contribute to a person’s overall height. Among which is genetic in which several experts say that 60 to 80 percent of a person’s height is affected by it. There are also some environmental factors too like exercise and nutrition.
Where does Growth Period Starts?
Between the age of 1 years old and puberty, most people are growing at a rate of 2 inches per year. Once they hit puberty, the person might grow at 4 inches per year. On the other hand, growth rate will vary at the person in question. For example among girls, their growth spurt normally starts early in teenager years but for boys, they might not experience sudden height increase until the last leg of their teenage years.
In general a person stops growing taller once they pass puberty. Meaning to say, you’re not likely to grow taller once you become an adult. On the other hand, there are some things that can be done during adolescence to make sure that you maximize your growth potential. You have to continue these activities on your adulthood if you are really serious.
Balanced Diet
During growing years, it is integral to get the essential nutrients that your body needs. In this regard, it is vital that your diet consists of:
- Fresh fruits
- Fresh veggies
- Whole grains
- Dairy and;
- Proteins
While you know what foods to eat, it is important to know what foods to avoid too and these are going to be:
- Trans fat
- Saturated fats
- Sugar
You may or may not have health conditions that can affect your diet. The only way to find that out is by talking to your doctor.
Be Cautious in taking Supplements
There are few instances in which supplements might be the right approach to increase children’s height and at the same time, fight shrinking among adults. For instance, if you suffer from condition that is affecting the production of your human growth hormone, then your doctor might be recommending you to take supplements that contain synthetic HGH.
Furthermore, older adults might be advised to take calcium supplements or vitamin D in order to lower their risks of osteoporosis.
Get some Sleep
Sometimes, skipping sleep will not affect your height in the long run. But throughout the adolescence stage, you sleep less than the amount recommended. If this continues, it can result to complications that you will not like. This is due to the reason that your body fails to release HGH and this happens only when you are asleep.